近年來,AI浪潮席捲世界各地,而科技部更積極推動「新南向政策」,鼓勵國內學術機構與18個新南向目標國增進技術交流。國立中正大學在科技部的支持下,與印度理工學院羅巴爾校區(IndianInstitute of Technology Ropar, IIT Ropar)、 吉特卡拉大學(Chitkara University) 成立聯盟,首度於IIT Ropar建置「臺灣印度人工智慧海外科研中心」辦公室,並完成空間建制、經費規劃、合作模式與人員配置。未來將共同推動國家型科技計畫,研發產業關鍵技術,深化台印雙邊 合作關係。本海外科研中心主要有三大使命,深化臺印雙邊的AI學術交流、鼓勵跨境 AI創新創業合作以及推動AI國際學程,包含雙聯碩博士學位學程等。研究範疇聚焦於包含各領域之AIoT設計及FinTech技術,目前已有多項成果。在雙邊國際師生合作上,已在智慧人臉辨識、智慧竹子辨識、精準農業、精準行銷與推薦 系統有初步研究成果。本中心擬扮演臺灣與印度之間最大的此兩個領域之科研 、產學合作及創新創業平台,造福兩國的國家棟樑,進而強化兩國的國際關係 。 關鍵字:印度、臺灣印度人工智慧海外科研中心、新南向政策
The primary goal of this center is to establish a transnational artificial intelligence technology innovation research laboratory in Taiwan and India (CCU-India AI Innovation Lab). Specific work projects promoted include promoting cross-border thematic implementation, cross-border research projects, cross-border short-term internship programs, exchange visits between teachers and degree students, proactively matching the supply and demand of teachers and students in Taiwan and India, and providing two-way AI/Fintech technical guidance, etc. The input and output of this laboratory is talent, and the output is innovative technology. Talents come from teachers and students of our school and Indian schools. The exported innovative technologies will provide the center’s AI Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center for future technology transfer or entrepreneurship.
Technologies developed by the center's research team or the Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Research Laboratory are used as seeds to encourage teachers and students to establish new start-up companies. The center will act as a cooperation platform for matchmaking and exchanges and provide supporting resources and related consultations, such as industrial links with the two countries, fundraising information, professional courses and guidance for entrepreneurship, etc.
Entrepreneurship requires technology, and technology requires talents, so talent cultivation is one of the key goals of the center's development. The goal will be achieved in two phases. First, promote the school’s four existing international degree programs so that it can recruit more outstanding students from India. Second, establish the Taiwan-India Multi-Degree AI International Programs. This part will also build a database of Indian scientific research talents in artificial intelligence for reference by industry, government, academia and research units in both countries. The establishment and promotion of international degree programs will significantly enhance the research capacity of National Chung Cheng University and the AI talents needed by Indian industry.
In cooperation with the international cooperation projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Science and Technology Group in India and other units, the center will provide relevant services and assistance.
Chitkara University
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar
Panimalar Engineering College
Amity University
Delta Electronics Inc.
Simco 集團
Simco Groups
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