2020 Xinying Industrial Zone Manufacturer Talent Training Course

2020 Xinying Industrial Zone Manufacturer Talent Training Course

The Technology Promotion Center of the R&D Department of National Chung Cheng University hosted a talent training course for manufacturers in Xinying Industrial Zone. The training course was held last Friday (22nd). Professor Xiong Boan and his team were also invited to share topics related to Artificial Intelligence (AI). The professor wonderfully shared everything from people’s myths about artificial intelligence, the origin of AI to its applications and future prospects.

Center of Technology Promotion, National Chung Cheng University had The Technology Promotion Center of the R & D Division of Chung Cheng University has undertaken a training course for manufacturers in the Xinying Industrial Zone, Tainan. The course was successfully organized on last Friday (22th May 2020).

Professor Pao-Ann Hsiung and his team were invited to have a speech on "Artificial Intelligence" (AI). The professor wonderfully shared from people's Myths about artificial intelligence, the origin of AI, application and future prospects of AI was wonderfully shared by Professor Pao-Ann.