2021 Academic Sharing: Have a beautiful encounter with Kubeflow!

2021 Academic Sharing: Have a beautiful encounter with Kubeflow!

We can't wait to see you all on the first day of school!

Let’s have a beautiful encounter with Kubeflow!

Kubeflow is an open source machine learning Kubernetes Cloud Native platform for developing, orchestrating, deploying and running scalable and portable machine learning workloads. It started as an internal project at Google to manage Tensorflow work. First unveiled at KubeCon 2017, version 1.0 was released in March 2020!

In this sharing, we will analyze the basic operating principles of kubeflow and how we install our applications on kubeflow.

This is a rare opportunity, sign up now!

Time: February 22, 2021 (Monday) 13:00-14:00

Location: R105, Building 1, College of Engineering, National Chung Cheng University

Registration link: https://cutt.ly/Vkmvzdt