American Accounting Association (AAA) International Academic Symposium on Journal of Information Systems

American Accounting Association (AAA) International Academic Symposium on Journal of Information Systems

We sincerely invite you to attend the American Accounting Association (AAA) Information Systems Journal International Academic Symposium:
2021/3/25 (Thursday), 09:00-12:00
2021/3/26 (Friday), 09:00-13:00
2021/3/26(Friday) , 19:00-22:30

Organizers: American Institute of Accountants (AAA), National Chung Cheng University, International Computer Audit Education Association (ICAEA), Imperial College Co-organizer: Sponsor of Taiwan-India Joint Research Center on
Intelligence : Zicheng Accounting Firm (PWC), Ministry of Science and Technology

Features of the event: The Journal of Information Systems is the top SCI/SSCI journal in the field of accounting information research published by the American Accounting Association (AAA). This special issue conference aims to encourage Accounting Information Systems (AIS) researchers around the world, especially those outside the United States, to submit academic papers to the Journal of Information Systems. The main purpose is to highlight the unique institutional backgrounds of different countries and regions. Research differences, these differences in research background will further deepen our understanding of accounting information system research.
National Chung Cheng University has conducted research in the fields of legal compliance technology, computer auditing, financial technology, and business big data analysis for many years, and has produced fruitful research results. National Chung Cheng University has been actively cultivating innovative cross-field teaching talents for many years, and has also organized relevant competitions to encourage students to participate and stimulate information innovation capabilities. By taking advantage of this international conference to communicate with international professionals, our talent cultivation can be aligned with international standards, gain new horizons and new opportunities, and increase Taiwan's visibility.

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