National Chung Cheng University joins hands with many universities in India to establish the first Taiwan-India AI Overseas Research Center

National Chung Cheng University joins hands with many universities in India to establish the first Taiwan-India AI Overseas Research Center

In view of India's plan to build 100 smart cities by 2020, National Chung Cheng University has joined hands with
IIT Ropar and Chitkara University to invest in artificial intelligence research and
recently went to India to establish a local "Taiwan-India Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Research Center" has officially
entered South Asia! In the future, Zhongzheng and the two Indian universities will not only share research laboratories, but also help mediate the industrial chains of Taiwan and India
and develop innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Ministry of Science and Technology promotes the "Overseas Scientific Research and Technology Innovation Center" project, and only 6 projects are approved in Taiwan every year. Under
fierce competition, the "Taiwan-India Artificial Intelligence Overseas Scientific Research Center" of Chiang Kai-shek was selected,
joining Huang Shiming, R&D director of National Chung Cheng University, said that the "Taiwan-India Artificial Intelligence Overseas Research Center" will start from building an artificial
intelligence technology innovation research laboratory, an innovation and entrepreneurship center, and promoting international artificial intelligence programs , hoping to combine the excellent scientific research and development of Indian Institutes of Technology. capabilities, and Jitkara University’s strengths
in industry-university cooperation , it continues to deepen the cooperative relationship between National Chung Cheng University and the Indian academic community.

Currently, it is planned to hold the International Conference on Data Analysis and Networking (ICAN) in both places in February 2020
, which can effectively strengthen academic research exchanges between the two places. In addition to the Indian government's development of smart city equipment such as smart transportation and smart
lights, which require the use of AI management, Xiong Bo'an pointed out that since India still relies on agriculture as
its main job, many students who come to Taiwan to study have expressed their hope to use the Internet of Things and AI technology to reduce costs.
Manpower and costs in the production process. In terms of new southbound expansion, Mr. Xu Jijiang said that in
addition to setting up research centers for academic research exchanges at two important sister schools in India, this expansion can also be used as a base to expand the
territory of Chung Cheng University’s sister schools in India.

National Chung Cheng University has set up an overseas scientific research center in India. President Huang Yan pointed out that as soon as the plan was approved at the end of last year, he
immediately negotiated cooperation with two Indian schools and was willing to provide space for the school to build. Chung Cheng University has now cooperated with three companies
interested in establishing a research center in India. The development of the Taiwanese company signed a contract and will send dedicated personnel to the site in the future to help smooth the communication channels between the three universities, industry, academia, and the government
, and become a matchmaking platform for information exchange between Taiwan and India. In terms of talent cultivation, Xiong Boan
said that the first plan is to allow Indian students to come to Taiwan for internships and work with Chung Cheng students to solve AI problems raised by the industry
. These problem-solving contents will be used as teaching materials and international degree programs will be launched. Significantly increase each other's research
capabilities and cultivate AI talents needed by the industry.

In the past six years, National Chung Cheng University has had close academic research and talent exchanges in artificial intelligence and financial technology with famous Indian universities and information technology companies. For example, the Advanced Manufacturing Center holds bilateral seminars every year

, and the School of Engineering organizes short-term internships, summer schools, etc. In addition, since Xiong Boan grew up in India, he
is very familiar with India's technological development, academic research environment, culture, and market. He was awarded an honorary professor at Amity
University In addition, he specializes in smart technology application and urban development. In the past two years, He also serves as the director of the Chiayi City
Smart Technology Division. He has rich experience in industry, government, academia and research, which is helpful for the cooperative relationship between overseas scientific research centers and the Indian government

This time, a delegation led by R&D Director Huang Shiming, International Director Xu Huafu, Smart Life Research Center Director Xiong Boan, and
School of Management Dean Zhang Shuoyi went to India. Chung Cheng University stated that the "Taiwan-India Artificial Intelligence Overseas Research Center
" will write a new chapter in academic exchanges between Taiwan and India. We believe that we will establish good, two-way industry-university exchanges and
use innovative cooperation models as the basis for future expansion of academic cooperation with other regional universities.

Congratulations to the Taiwan-India Artificial Intelligence Overseas Research Center for its official establishment in India!


National Chung Cheng University led a delegation to India, led by Director of Research and Development Huang Shiming, International Director Xu Huafu, Director of the Smart Life Research Center Xiong Boan, and Dean of the School of Management Zhang Shuoyi, to join hands with Indian Institute of Technology Robar and Jitkara University to invest in artificial intelligence-related research and was established. "Taiwan-India Artificial Intelligence Overseas Research Center" officially enters South Asia!