Professor Xiong Boan and his team developed a facial recognition thermal imaging camera and worked with the teachers and students of National Chung Cheng University to fight against COVID-19!

Professor Xiong Boan and his team developed a facial recognition thermal imaging camera and worked with the teachers and students of National Chung Cheng University to fight against COVID-19!

Professor Xiong’s team developed a face recognition system!
Equipped with a thermal imaging camera, we will fight against the COVID-19 together with the teachers and students of National Chung Cheng University.
Since this technology does not require contact with other people, it can ignore obstacles such as glasses, hats, accessories, makeup, etc. What is different from ordinary cameras is that thermal imaging cameras can also capture facial images under poor light sources or at night, thus saving more manpower and time costs.

To combat the COVID-19 pandemic, Prof. Hsiung's Team developed facial recognition system with infrared thermal imaging camera. 
Combined techniques have an advantage over other systems. By this procedure the cameras will only detect the shape of the head and it will ignore the subject accessories such as glasses, hats, or makeup. Unlike conventional cameras, thermal cameras can capture facial imagery even in low-light and nighttime conditions without using a flash and exposing the position of the camera. Therefore, it can save lots of manpower and time.