The International Internship Chinese Language Program is over!

The International Internship Chinese Language Program is over!

Congratulations to everyone for successfully completing the Chinese course!

During this learning journey, we invited an experienced teacher, Ashley. She not only helped foreign interns to improve the language skills but also learn practical sentence patterns. In the last lesson, we had a shopping conversation with a convenience store clerk, which we believe will be very useful for them in Taiwan! The speaking skills they acquired, especially in buying, selling, and transportation, will help them navigate daily life with ease.

We hope this knowledge and these skills become your treasure, shining brightly in your future endeavors! May you continue to apply what you've learned, face challenges bravely, and achieve more dreams! 🎓🌟

#ChineseLanguageCourse #BuyingAndSellingDialogues #Practicality #LearningAchievements