The Ministry of Science and Technology is deeply involved in the establishment of an overseas AI research center at the National Chung Cheng University in India and the Indian Institute of Technology

The Ministry of Science and Technology is deeply involved in the establishment of an overseas AI research center at the National Chung Cheng University in India and the Indian Institute of Technology

In recent years, the AI ​​wave has swept across the world, and the Ministry of Science and Technology has actively promoted the "New Southbound Policy" to encourage
domestic academic institutions to increase technological exchanges with 18 New Southbound target countries.
With the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, National Chung Cheng University
established an alliance with Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (IIT Ropar) and Chitkara University, and
built Indian Artificial Intelligence Overseas Research Center" Office. In the future, we will jointly promote national science and technology projects
, develop key industrial technologies, and deepen bilateral cooperation between Taiwan and India.

 From July 23 to 30, the National Chung Cheng University team, led by Professor Huang Shiming, Director of R&D of the school, and Professor Xiong Boan of the Department of Engineering, went to India to hold an unveiling ceremony for the office of the "Taiwan-India Artificial Intelligence Overseas Research Center" and went to New Delhi to attend a conference organized by science and technology
"Taiwan-India Bilateral Vice-Ministers' Meeting" organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
During the meeting, Huang Shiming, director of R&D at National Chung Cheng University , not only invited Deputy Director Xu Youjin of the Ministry of Science and Technology to join the representative team of the Ministry of Science and Technology
to unveil the "Taiwan-India Artificial Intelligence Overseas Research Center", but also briefed the attendees on
the current and future development.

 Director of R&D Huang Shiming pointed out at the unveiling ceremony that India is relatively developed in information communications, software and other related industries. Suresh Prabhu, India’s Minister of Commerce and Industry, emphasized that India’s foreign trade grew by 18% in 2018 and has become the sixth largest economy in the world and the world’s largest economy
One of the fastest growing emerging economies, it has attracted many Taiwanese manufacturers
to invest in India.

 India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, and talent is also a focus of attention. National Chung Cheng University has
established the "Taiwan-India AI Overseas Research Center" at the local Indian Institute of Technology Robar campus, which will effectively attract more outstanding
Indian students to study in Taiwan and create More outstanding Indian youths will come to Taiwan to stay in the program.

 National Chung Cheng University pointed out that taking the school's Indian students as an example, there were 21 students in the 2016 academic year, 37
students in the 107 academic year, and the number grew to 75 in the first semester of 2018, with a growth rate of 257%. By allowing more Indian students
to come to Taiwan for training and study, it will be able to promote cross-border thematic cooperation, cross-border research projects, cross-border short-term internship programs, teacher and degree student exchange visits
, proactively match the supply and demand of teachers and students in Taiwan and India, and provide a two-way Technical guidance, etc.,
to enhance bilateral research energy and the talents needed for the AI ​​industry in Taiwan and India.

  An important promoter of the establishment of the "Taiwan-India Artificial Intelligence Overseas Research Center", Professor Xiong Bo'an of the Department of Engineering at National Chung Cheng University
said that this overseas research center has three main missions: deepening bilateral AI academic exchanges between Taiwan and India
encouraging cross-border AI innovation and entrepreneurship cooperation, and Promote international AI courses, including dual master's and doctoral degrees
The research scope of the center focuses on AIoT design and FinTech technology in various fields. There have been many
results so far. In terms of bilateral international teacher-student cooperation,
preliminary research results have been achieved in smart face recognition, smart bamboo recognition, precision agriculture, precision marketing and recommendation systems. Professor Xiong Boan, in addition to his rich experience in assisting the Chiayi
Municipal Government in promoting smart cities, has long-term experience in cooperation with many well-known universities in India
, and has a high degree of sensitivity to the Indian market demand. India currently lacks advanced agricultural technology and smart
city technology. The government hopes to use artificial intelligence and Internet of Things application technologies to solve complex agricultural problems in the future
. Taiwan happens to have advantages in these two aspects, and its research results over the years can be applied. In order to meet India
's vast needs in smart agriculture and smart cities, the center plans to serve as the
largest platform for scientific research, industry-university cooperation, and innovation and entrepreneurship in these two fields between Taiwan and India, benefiting the national
pillars . and thereby strengthen the international relations between the two countries.
Huang Shiming pointed out that National Chung Cheng University has recently been actively cooperating with the local bamboo industry to help deal with the problem of bamboo waste. After processing
and research and development, bamboo waste is burned into bamboo charcoal, and bamboo charcoal is used to develop various products and apply to
water purification and poultry houses. Deodorize. In the future, this mature bamboo charcoal technology will also be promoted to India to solve
problems such as water pollution in India. Through the agreement reached by both parties, the Indian team will visit Taiwan in August and sign a
cooperation agreement with National Chung Cheng University to jointly assist the development of the bamboo industry in South Asia.
 National Chung Cheng University pointed out that it believes that with the continuous promotion of overseas scientific research centers, in addition to becoming a
base for cooperation between Taiwan and India, the center will continue to promote transnational project implementation, transnational research projects, transnational
short-term internship projects, teachers and Degree students exchange visits, and actively match the supply and demand of teachers and students in Taiwan and India, providing
two-way AI/Fintech technical guidance, etc.