National Chung Cheng University cultivates future scientific research talents, connects resources across borders, and accelerates industrial upgrading

National Chung Cheng University cultivates future scientific research talents, connects resources across borders, and accelerates industrial upgrading
The Taiwan-India AI Overseas Research Center, promoted by National Chung Cheng University, has created a strong industry-university network between Taiwan and India.
Taiwan and India are a small island and a big country on the other. One dominates the world with its hardware manufacturing capabilities, and the other has software R&D and innovation advantages. They are connected through the "Taiwan-India Artificial Intelligence Overseas Research Center" of National Chung Cheng University, connecting resources, technology, and enthusiasm. , local, strong and complementary, mutually beneficial, build a bilateral industry-government-university-academic-research platform, cultivate future talents, and accelerate industrial upgrading.
News Link:臺印度AI海外科研中心》中正大學培育未來科研人才,跨境串聯資源,加速產業升級