To build a trustworthy AI sustainable smart city, National Chung Cheng University won the national Ministry of Science and Technology project

To build a trustworthy AI sustainable smart city, National Chung Cheng University won the national Ministry of Science and Technology project

An interdisciplinary team led by Professor Xiong Bo'an from the Department of Engineering at National Chung Cheng University recently received a national project from the Ministry of Science and Technology for "Research on Artificial Intelligence in Response to Important National Challenges" and will introduce technology to solve important issues such as air pollution, river pollution and transportation. Establish a complete design of a sustainable smart monitoring center to create a trustworthy AI smart city that meets the well-being and efficiency of residents.

This time, the cross-disciplinary team of National Chung Cheng University received a subsidy from the Ministry of Science and Technology for the "Artificial Intelligence Theme Research Project in Response to Important National Challenges." It is a national key project. It is an effort by the Ministry of Science and Technology to continue to enhance the momentum of China's AI research and use AI cutting-edge technology and The results respond to various challenges and important issues currently faced by our country, and enhance the international influence of our country's AI cutting-edge science. Therefore, the selection process of the project is rigorous and fierce. Among 68 applications from colleges and universities across the country, a total of 68 applications were finally approved. 13 "Theme Research Groups" and 4 "Core Attack Technologies".